Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.
Company | Parent | Parent Major Industry | Offence Type | Year | Agency | Penalty Amount |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2020 | UK-FRC | £20,635,014 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2016 | UK-FRC | £6,275,000 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2019 | UK-FRC | £4,525,000 |
Deloitte & Touche | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2015 | UK-FRC | £3,000,000 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2020 | UK-ICAEW | £1,815,000 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2022 | UK-FRC | £1,450,000 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2022 | UK-FRC | £906,250 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2020 | UK-FRC | £362,500 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2022 | UK-FRC | £330,000 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2018 | UK-ICAEW | £40,000 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2020 | UK-ICAEW | £16,270 |
Deloitte Llp | Deloitte | business services | labour standards violation | 2019 | UK-ET | £3,180 |
Deloitte LLP | Deloitte | business services | accounting fraud or deficiencies | 2018 | UK-ICAEW | £2,500 |