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Violation Tracker UK Summary for Offence Group

Offence Group: financial offences
Penalty Total since 2010£5,018,782,902
Number of Penalty Cases: 4,198
Note: Includes records/cases without monetary penalties.
Top 10 Parent CompaniesTotal PenaltyNumber of Cases
NatWest Group PLC£350,251,2569
JPMorgan Chase£174,006,2003
Banco Santander£173,488,9006
Standard Chartered£169,185,0103
Deutsche Bank£167,795,0242
Goldman Sachs£148,461,5004

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyParentParent Major IndustryOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Lymington Consultants Limited (Trading as 'Onepay Solutions') tax violations2024UK-HMRC£268,991
Purplebricks Group PLC anti-money-laundering deficiencies2020UK-HMRC£266,793
Monter Limited tax violations2016UK-HMRC£266,766
Trident Trust Company (Guernsey) Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2024UK-GFSC£266,000
J D J Group (NW) Limited tax violations2024UK-HMRC£265,220
KGT Electrical & Building Solutions Limited (formerly known as KGT Electrical Ltd) tax violations2024UK-HMRC£264,659
Fat Cat Sherwood Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£263,713
UK Camera Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£263,163
Crosstube Rail Limited tax violations2018UK-HMRC£262,709
Oliver Clive & Co Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-FRC£262,692
Consulting Europe Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£262,261
The Rowley Bar and Grill Ltd tax violations2022UK-HMRC£260,656
Red Point Recruitment Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£260,578
Harpers (Brandesburton) Ltd tax violations2020UK-HMRC£260,404
Shenzhen Yuanbei Technologies Co. Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£259,497
Rebos Investments Ltd tax violations2022UK-HMRC£258,105
Maaz Supermarket Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£257,148
Capital Impex Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£257,029
Nexia Smith & Williamson Audit Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£254,248
Fat Cat Nottingham Limited tax violations2018UK-HMRC£253,244
A.B.V Southeast Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£252,955
Slobrasil Limited tax violations2021UK-HMRC£251,177
PayPal Holdings, Inc. and PayPal (Europe) Sarl et Cie SCA and PayPal SEPayPal Holdingsfinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2019UK-CMA£250,000
Mazars LLPMazars LLPbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2022UK-FRC£250,000
Mazars LLPMazars LLPbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2022UK-FRC£250,000
Allyan Ltd dba Canton Cuisine tax violations2019UK-HMRC£249,339
UHY Hacker Young LLPUHY Hacker Youngbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£248,306
What Next Media Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£248,195
CHG Holdings Ltd tax violations2022UK-HMRC£247,463
Standard Bank Isle of Man Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-IOM£247,324
AWM Accountant and Tax Advisors tax violations2019UK-HMRC£244,445
Blueprint Partnership (Manchester) Ltd tax violations2022UK-HMRC£243,757
Deluxe Printers Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£243,278
Bridgwater Plant and Recycling Services Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£242,171
Istanbul Grill Limited tax violations2017UK-HMRC£241,100
Haweli Twyford Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£240,095
Gali (London) Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£239,817
AWA Contractors Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£239,102
TM Construction (NW) Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£239,006
UK Waste 2 Energy Limited tax violations2016UK-HMRC£236,146
Premier Skip Hire tax violations2021UK-HMRC£235,988
Boyce Care Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£235,770
PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLPPricewaterhouseCoopersbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2022UK-ICAEW£234,405
TMT Autobodies Limited tax violations2023UK-HMRC£233,031
Lina Enterprises tax violations2017UK-HMRC£232,901
Mr Food Design Limited tax violations2019UK-HMRC£232,482
Wings Edinburgh Limited tax violations2023UK-HMRC£231,318
B&B Convenience Stores Ltd dba Kwik Stop Convenience Store tax violations2022UK-HMRC£231,073
Execution Noble & Company Limited investor protection violation2014UK-FCA£231,000
Banssi Solutions Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£229,988
Guangzhou Wenyi Communication Equipment Co Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£229,938
Al-Ummah Halal Poultry Limited tax violations2020UK-HMRC£228,531
Popov Constructions Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£228,444
KPMG LLPKPMGbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2015UK-FRC£227,500
Sure Trading Limited tax violations2019UK-HMRC£227,234
Fair Global Prime Ltd fka KCJ Consultancy Ltd. tax violations2022UK-HMRC£227,202
UKS Group Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£226,330
J P Products (Kidderminster) Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£225,267
Bridgewater (IOM) Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2021UK-IOM£225,085
Sharp Force Limited tax violations2024UK-HMRC£223,069
Alhilal Trading Limited tax violations2018UK-HMRC£221,702
Sati Textile Mills Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£220,988
Shen Zhen Shi Bedi Shangmao You Xian Going S.I. dba CHanning56789 tax violations2018UK-HMRC£220,560
JB5 Trans Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£220,393
Akal Nation Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£220,049
Scarlett Fashion Ltd dba Glitz tax violations2017UK-HMRC£218,514
Zero Option Rock Promotions and Z Records tax violations2018UK-HMRC£218,348
UHY Hacker Young LLPUHY Hacker Youngbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2022UK-FRC£217,500
SVS Securities Plc investor protection violation2024UK-FCA£215,500
Dry Build Solutions Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£215,040
Countrywide Estate Agents anti-money-laundering deficiencies2018UK-HMRC£215,000
Fat Cat Derby Limited dba The Fat Cat Cafe Bar tax violations2018UK-HMRC£213,944
TheKashmir Yorkshire Limited (formerly trading as 'Kashmir Restaurant') tax violations2024UK-HMRC£213,559
ICD Electrical Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£213,505
Vita Cafe ES Limited tax violations2017UK-HMRC£212,790
Cafe Cod tax violations2019UK-HMRC£212,430
Quay A63 Limited tax violations2021UK-HMRC£212,430
Gold Motors Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£211,499
A & S Printers tax violations2022UK-HMRC£211,123
Countrrywide Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£210,565
Build n' Glass tax violations2022UK-HMRC£210,142
Healthy Nutrients Ltd tax violations2020UK-HMRC£208,970
Sunargow Restaurant Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£208,774
Kazitula Limited dba Shafiques tax violations2018UK-HMRC£208,643
ISupply Group WLS Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£208,105
Guangzhou Xuqiao Trading Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£208,040
DT Build Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£206,624
L UK Builders Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£205,924
Highway to Heaven Ltd tax violations2020UK-HMRC£205,343
Plus500UK LimitedPlus500 Limitedfinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2012UK-FSA£205,128
Liquid Fleet Ltd. tax violations2021UK-HMRC£205,125
Patti Raj Limited dba Patti Raj Restaurant tax violations2016UK-HMRC£204,019
Crescendo Advisors International Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-GFSC£203,000
Rigcharm Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£202,760
Mantlepiece (UK) Corporation Ltd dba Mantlepiece SS Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£202,019
Grant Thornton UK LLPGrant Thorntonbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-ICAEW£201,615
Techno Master Limited tax violations2024UK-HMRC£201,192
Atlantic Law LLP investor protection violation2010UK-FSA£200,000
Hythe Securities Limited investor protection violation2010UK-FSA£200,000
Hillier Hopkins LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2017UK-ICAEW£200,000
Brisha Limited dba Bayleaf Restaurant tax violations2018UK-HMRC£199,673