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Violation Tracker UK Parent Industry Summary Page

Parent Industry: agribusiness
Penalty Total since 2010£7,651,606
Number of Cases: 26
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall.
Top 10 Parent CompaniesPenalty TotalNumber of Cases
Archer Daniels Midland£6,703,8099
AAK AB£162,6571
Wynnstay Group PLC£92,3644
Tate & Lyleno penalty values available2

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyParentOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
ADM Investor Services International LimitedArcher Daniels Midlandanti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-FCA£6,470,600
Cargill PLCCargillworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£620,095
ADM Investor Services International LtdArcher Daniels Midlandlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£188,209
AAK (UK) LimitedAAK ABworkplace safety or health violation2011UK-HSE£162,657
Glasson Grain LimitedWynnstay Group PLCworkplace safety or health violation2015UK-HSE£92,364
Cargill PLCCargillworkplace safety or health violation2010UK-HSE£47,484
ADM Investor Services International LtdArcher Daniels Midlandlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£45,000
Provimi LimitedCargillworkplace safety or health violation2011UK-HSE£11,924
Cargill PLCCargillclimate change regime violation2016UK-EA£8,188
Sun Valley Foods Limited t/as Cargill Meats Europe UKCargilllabour standards violation2017UK-ET£4,583
Pioneer Hi-Bred Northern Europe GMBH Pension Plan: M80238Cortevapension plan violation2017UK-TPR£502
Wynnstay Group PLCWynnstay Group PLCworkplace safety or health violation2024UK-HSE£0
Wynnstay Group PLCWynnstay Group PLCworkplace safety or health violation2024UK-HSE£0
Wynnstay Group PLCWynnstay Group PLCworkplace safety or health violation2024UK-HSE£0
Archer Daniels Midland Erith LimitedArcher Daniels Midlandworkplace safety or health violation2021UK-HSE£0
Ewos LimitedCargillworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Ewos LimitedCargillworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
ADM Milling LimitedArcher Daniels Midlandworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Tate & Lyle Industries LimitedTate & Lyleworkplace safety or health violation2017UK-HSE£0
Tate & Lyle Industries LimitedTate & Lyleworkplace safety or health violation2017UK-HSE£0
Sun Valley Foods LtdCargillenvironmental violation2013UK-EA£0
ADM MILLING LIMITED Registered CompanyArcher Daniels Midlandenvironmental violation2019UK-EA£0
ADM MILLING LIMITED Registered CompanyArcher Daniels Midlandenvironmental violation2019UK-EA£0
ADM MILLING LIMITED Registered CompanyArcher Daniels Midlandenvironmental violation2019UK-EA£0
CARGILL PLCCargillenvironmental violation2021UK-EA£0
Pura Foods LtdArcher Daniels Midlandworkplace safety or health violation2021UK-HSE£0