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Violation Tracker UK Parent Company Summary

Parent Company Name: CK Hutchison Holdings
Ownership Structure: publicly traded
Headquartered in: Hong Kong
Major Industry: diversified
Specific Industry: diversified
Penalty total since 2010£2,535,757
Number of cases: 10
Top Offence Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Cases
consumer-protection-related offences£2,141,0003
competition-related offences£375,0001
employment-related offences£19,7574
safety-related offences£01
environment-related offences£01
Top Offence TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Cases
telecommunications violation£1,890,0001
energy market violation£375,0001
consumer protection violation£250,0001
labour standards violation£19,7574
privacy violation£1,0001
environmental violation£01
workplace safety or health violation£01
Note: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on current relationships and may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred.

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Hutchison 3G UK Ltd dba Threetelecommunications violation2017UK-OFCOM£1,890,000
Wales and West Utilities Limitedenergy market violation2012UK-OFGEM£375,000
Hutchison 3G UK Ltd dba Threeconsumer protection violation2014UK-OFCOM£250,000
Superdrug Stores PLClabour standards violation2020UK-BEIS£15,228
Hutchinson 3G UK Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£2,099
Superdrug Stores plc T/a Saverslabour standards violation2021UK-ET£2,055
Hutchison 3G UK Ltdprivacy violation2015UK-ICO£1,000
Superdrug Stores plclabour standards violation2022UK-ET£375
WALES AND WEST UTILITIES LIMITEDenvironmental violation2011UK-EA£0
Wales & West Utilities Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2021UK-HSE£0