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Violation Tracker UK Parent Industry Summary Page

Parent Industry: information technology
Penalty Total since 2010£198,923,427
Number of Cases: 44
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall.
Top 10 Parent CompaniesPenalty TotalNumber of Cases
Alphabet Inc.£130,000,0005
Meta Platforms Inc.£52,500,0008
IBM Corp.£46,4182
Micro Focus International PLC£28,3611
Ocado Group PLC£25,2255

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyParentOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
GoogleAlphabet violations2016UK-HMRC£130,000,000
FacebookMeta Platforms Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2021UK-CMA£50,500,000
TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited and TikTok IncByteDanceprivacy violation2023UK-ICO£12,700,000
TikTok Information Technologies UK LimitedByteDancetelecommunications violation2024UK-OFCOM£1,875,000
Meta Platforms, Inc. and Tabby Acquisition Sub Inc. and Facebook UK Ltd.Meta Platforms Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2022UK-CMA£1,500,000
PearsonPearsonchildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFQUAL£1,225,452
FacebookMeta Platforms Inc.privacy violation2018UK-ICO£500,000
PearsonPearsonchildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFQUAL£156,261
Bloomberg L.PBloomberglabour standards violation2019UK-ET£118,842
PearsonPearsonchildcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFQUAL£92,000
Oracle Corporation UK LimitedOraclepension plan violation2017UK-TPO£73,000
Serena Software Europe LimitedMicro Focus International PLClabour standards violation2018UK-ET£28,361
IBM UK LtdIBM Corp.labour standards violation2018UK-ET£26,418
Fujitsu Services LtdFujitsulabour standards violation2023UK-ET£21,572
IBM UK Ltd and othersIBM Corp.labour standards violation2020UK-ET£20,000
Leidos Europe LimitedLeidoslabour standards violation2019UK-ET£18,869
CSC Computer SciencesDXC Technologyenvironmental violation2017UK-EA£15,000
Ocado Central Services LtdOcado Group PLClabour standards violation2020UK-ET£14,714
Ocado Central Services LtdOcado Group PLClabour standards violation2023UK-ET£8,271
Atos IT Services UK LtdAtoslabour standards violation2020UK-ET£7,690
Cerner LimitedOraclelabour standards violation2020UK-ET£5,500
Pearson Education LtdPearsonlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£5,320
Pearson Education LimitedPearsonlabour standards violation2017UK-ET£3,691
Ocado Central Services LimitedOcado Group PLClabour standards violation2019UK-ET£1,752
Fujitsu Services LimitedFujitsuenvironmental violation2017UK-EA£1,517
Fujitsu Services LimitedFujitsuenvironmental violation2017UK-EA£1,319
Hewlett Packard LimitedHewlett Packard Enterpriselabour standards violation2017UK-ET£1,140
Equiniti ICSConstellation Softwarepension plan violation2020UK-TPO£500
Computer Sciences CorporationDXC Technologypension plan violation2018UK-TPO£500
Ocado Central Services LtdOcado Group PLClabour standards violation2024UK-ET£466
IHS Global LtdS&P Globalpension plan violation2012UK-TPO£250
Ocado Central Services LtdOcado Group PLClabour standards violation2022UK-ET£22
MetaMeta Platforms Inc.consumer protection violation2023UK-CMA£0
GoogleAlphabet Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2022UK-CMA£0
Google LLCAlphabet Inc.consumer protection violation2025UK-CMA£0
Facebook Ireland LimitedMeta Platforms Inc.consumer protection violation2021UK-CMA£0
Facebook Ireland LimitedMeta Platforms Inc.consumer protection violation2020UK-CMA£0
Facebook Ireland Limited and InstagramMeta Platforms Inc.consumer protection violation2020UK-CMA£0
Facebook Ireland LimitedMeta Platforms Inc.consumer protection violation2020UK-CMA£0
Microsoft CorporationMicrosoftconsumer protection violation2017UK-CMA£0
Google Inc.Alphabet Inc.consumer protection violation2016UK-CMA£0
Groupon, Inc. and MyCityDeal Ltd. and Groupon Goods Global GmbH.Grouponconsumer protection violation2021UK-CMA£0
Alphabet Inc. and Google UK Ltd. and Google LLCAlphabet Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2022UK-CMA£0
Microsoft Limited and Microsoft Ireland Operations LimitedMicrosoftconsumer protection violation2022UK-CMA£0