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Violation Tracker UK Parent Company Summary

Parent Company Name: Tata Group
Ownership Structure: publicly traded
Headquartered in: India
Major Industry: diversified
Specific Industry: diversified
Penalty total since 2010£10,008,821
Number of cases: 63
Top Offence Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Cases
safety-related offences£9,060,13840
employment-related offences£846,38313
environment-related offences£102,30010
Top Offence TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Cases
workplace safety or health violation£9,060,13840
labour standards violation£845,88311
environmental violation£102,30010
pension plan violation£5002
Note: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on current relationships and may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred.
Links: This company's summary page in the U.S. Violation Tracker can be found here.

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

Download results as CSV or XML (maximum 1000; for access to larger downloads contact Phil Mattera)
CompanyOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£1,822,517
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2010UK-HSE£1,540,000
Tata Chemicals Europe Ltdworkplace safety or health violation2024UK-HSE£1,185,603
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2011UK-HSE£1,000,000
Jaguar Land Rover Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2015UK-HSE£949,869
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£557,487
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2014UK-HSE£482,100
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£262,979
Tata Chemicals Europe Ltdworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£257,524
Jaguar Land Rover Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£252,336
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2013UK-HSE£211,190
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2014UK-HSE£185,001
Jaguar Land Rover Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£180,000
Tata Consultancy Services Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£162,612
Tata Chemicals Europe Ltdworkplace safety or health violation2013UK-HSE£150,718
Jaguar Land Rover Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£147,572
Tata Chemicals Europe Ltdworkplace safety or health violation2010UK-HSE£141,833
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2023UK-HSE£134,138
TATA Steel UK Limitedenvironmental violation2017UK-EA£73,000
Jaguar Land Rover Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2013UK-HSE£53,475
Jaguar Land Rover Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2011UK-HSE£50,000
Jaguar Land Rover Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£43,538
Jaguar Land Rover Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£39,117
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£33,320
Tata Chemicals Europe Ltdworkplace safety or health violation2010UK-HSE£30,000
Jaguar Land Rover Limitedlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£14,994
TATA CHEMICALS EUROPE LIMITEDenvironmental violation2012UK-EA£13,300
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£12,384
TATA STEEL UK LIMITEDenvironmental violation2011UK-EA£8,000
TATA STEEL UK LIMITEDenvironmental violation2011UK-EA£5,000
Jaguar Land Rover Limitedlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£4,813
TATA STEEL UK LIMITEDenvironmental violation2011UK-EA£3,000
Jaguar Land Rover Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£755
Jaguar Land Roverpension plan violation2020UK-TPO£500
Jaguar Land Rover Limitedlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£146
Tata Steel UK LtdEnvironmental Violation2018UK-NRW£0
Tata Steel UK LtdEnvironmental Violation2020UK-NRW£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2023UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2023UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2020UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Tata Chemicals Europe Ltdworkplace safety or health violation2017UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2016UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedpension plan violation2013UK-TPO£0
CORUS ENGINEERING STEELS LTDenvironmental violation2011UK-EA£0
TATA STEEL UK LIMITEDenvironmental violation2012UK-EA£0
CORUS ENGINEERING STEELS LTDenvironmental violation2011UK-EA£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2021UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2022UK-HSE£0
Jaguar Land Roverlabour standards violation2021UK-EHRC£0
British Salt Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2023UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2023UK-HSE£0
Tata Steel UK Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2023UK-HSE£0