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Violation Tracker UK Parent Company Summary

Parent Company Name: Tesco PLC
Ownership Structure: publicly traded
Headquartered in: United Kingdom
Major Industry: retailing
Specific Industry: retail-supermarkets
Penalty total since 2010£169,228,337
Number of cases: 62
Top Offence Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Cases
financial offences£132,000,0001
consumer-protection-related offences£16,400,0003
environment-related offences£8,157,4342
competition-related offences£6,500,0003
employment-related offences£5,661,52451
safety-related offences£509,3792
Top Offence TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Cases
accounting fraud or deficiencies£132,000,0001
privacy violation£16,400,0001
oil spill£8,057,4341
price-fixing or anti-competitive practices£6,500,0002
labour standards violation£5,661,52451
workplace safety or health violation£509,3792
environmental violation£100,0001
Groceries Supply Code of Conduct violation£01
consumer protection violation£02
Note: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on current relationships and may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred.

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Tesco Stores Limitedaccounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-SFO£132,000,000
Tesco Personal Finance plcprivacy violation2018UK-FCA£16,400,000
Tesco Stores Ltdoil spill2017UK-EA£8,057,434
Tesco Stores Limited and Tesco Holdings Limited and Tesco plcprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2013UK-OFT£6,500,000
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2020UK-BEIS£5,096,946
Tesco Maintenance Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2014UK-HSE£304,879
Tesco Stores Limitedworkplace safety or health violation2014UK-HSE£204,500
Tesco Distribution Limitedenvironmental violation2018UK-EA£100,000
One Stop Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2021UK-BEIS£56,505
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£52,839
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£47,690
Tescolabour standards violation2024UK-ECNI£45,000
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£42,141
Tesco plclabour standards violation2019UK-ET£35,858
TESCO STORES LIMITEDlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£30,482
Tesco Distribution Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£29,203
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£20,570
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£17,634
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£17,340
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£16,153
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£14,780
Booker Limitedlabour standards violation2017UK-ET£13,883
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£10,858
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£10,559
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£10,043
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£8,808
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£8,802
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£8,023
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£8,022
TESCO STORES LIMITEDlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£7,441
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£7,400
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2024UK-ET£5,000
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£4,934
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£4,262
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2017UK-ET£3,806
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£3,483
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£3,000
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£2,848
Tesco Stores plclabour standards violation2017UK-ET£2,664
Booker Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£1,791
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2020UK-ET£1,749
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2017UK-ET£1,500
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£1,398
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2017UK-ET£1,184
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£997
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£900
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£832
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£819
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£762
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2024UK-ET£705
Tesco Stores, Ltd.labour standards violation2021UK-ET£425
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£400
Tesco plclabour standards violation2020UK-ET£320
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2019UK-ET£272
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£177
Tesco Stores Limitedlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£174
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£86
Tesco Stores Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£56
TescoGroceries Supply Code of Conduct violation2016UK-GCA£0
Tesco plcprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2020UK-CMA£0
Tesco Bankconsumer protection violation2022UK-CMA£0
Tesco Bankconsumer protection violation2022UK-CMA£0