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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Annagram Estates Limited dba CJ Hole
Penalty: £0
Year: 2017
Date: 31 May, 2017
Offence Group: competition-related offences
Offence Type: price-fixing or anti-competitive practices
Violation Description: Five estate agent companies based in the Burnham-on-Sea area in Somerset (Abbott and Frost Estate Agents Limited, Gary Berryman Estate Agents Ltd, Greenslade Taylor Hunt, Saxons PS Limited, West Coast Property Services (UK) Limited) were fined a total of £370,084 in a decision by the CMA finding the companies had formed a cartel to fix minimum commission rates at 1.5%. The sixth cartel member, Annagram Estates Limited, was not fined as the first to confess its participation and cooperate under the CMA leniency policy.
Action Type: agency action
Settlement Type: Settlement and Leniency agreement with CMA
Case Number: 50235
Agency: Competition and Markets Authority
Source of Data:
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