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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Avery Homes Moston Limited
Penalty: £200
Year: 2020
Date: 22 July, 2020
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: The complainant says the Care Provider did not properly consider offering care within its dedicated dementia unit but gave notice ending care when private funding stopped thus failing to prevent a distressing move. The Care Provider said it offered care for as long as its service met the resident's care needs and ended care when it found it could no longer meet those needs. It liaised with the local authority and medical teams in deciding the care it could give and helped with the move from its home. The Ombudsman finds the Care Provider caused injustice through failures in communication.
Agency: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Source of Data:
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