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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: B & M Investments Limited
Penalty: £393
Year: 2023
Date: 2 March, 2023
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Mrs X complains Tremona Care Home (run by B & M Investments Limited) failed to tell her there was an outbreak of COVID-19 until after she had taken her mother, Mrs Y, there for a respite break. She says this resulted in extra expenses making alternative arrangements for her mother and flying out to join her family. The care provider accepts the Care Home should have told them about the outbreak before Mrs Y went to stay there. This caused injustice to Mrs X through the cost of rearranging her holiday plans. The care provider needs to apologise and pay financial redress.
Agency: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Source of Data(click here)