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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: CILEx
Penalty: £57,595
Year: 2019
Date: 5 November, 2019
Offence Group: safety-related offences
Offence Type: childcare and educational services violation
Violation Description: On 18 April 2019, Ofqual issued CILEx with a Notice of Intention to impose a Monetary Penalty. The Notice stated that the amount of the Monetary Penalty shall be £50,000 unless by 30 September 2019, CILEx submits to Ofqual a Statement of Assurance confirming that it has successfully implemented all of the recommendations and actions set out in its Technical Action Plan; and it has successfully delivered the Level 3 Paralegal End Point Assessment to the cohort of apprenticeship Learners sitting the EPA in June 2019, in full compliance with the Conditions. In which event, the amount of The Monetary Penalty shall be reduced to a nominal sum of £1000. On 30 September 2019, CILEx submitted a positive Statement of Assurance to Ofqual confirming that it had met the conditions set out in the Notice of Intention to impose a Monetary Penalty. On 31 October 2019, Ofqual formally issued CILEx with a Notice of Monetary Penalty requiring it to pay a fine of £1,000. On 31 October 2019, Ofqual formally issued CILEx with a separate Notice of Costs Recovery requiring it to pay costs of £7,595.
Agency: Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)
Source of Data(click here)
Source Notes: Additional notice of costs: (click here)