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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Choice Support
Penalty: £500
Year: 2020
Date: 6 August, 2020
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Ms X complained about the care and support provided to her adult son by Choice Support (the care provider), at the supported living accommodation jointly funded by the Council and a Clinical Commissioning Group. The care provider and Council were at fault. Care plans were insufficient, and Mr Y did not receive the community support he was assessed as needing. There were faults in the care provided to Mr Y and in the Council's safeguarding process. The Council and care provider have agreed to apologise to Ms X and Mr Y and make a payment to acknowledge the distress and frustration caused by the faults. They have also agreed to review their procedures to prevent such faults recurring in future.
Agency: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Source of Data:
(click here)