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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: Kiddies Corner Day Nursery Limited
Company Nation/Region: Wales
Penalty: £0
Year: 2023
Date: 27 November, 2023
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Priority Action Notices served stipulating that the registered person must act as a child minder or provide day care, as the case may be, in such a way as to - (a) promote and make proper provision for the welfare of relevant children; and (b) make proper provision for the care, education, supervision and, where appropriate, treatment, of relevant children. That the registered person must ensure that - (a) all parts of the relevant premises to which relevant children have access are so far as reasonably practicable free from hazards to their safety; (b) any activities in which relevant children participate are so far as reasonably practicable free from avoidable risks; and (c) unnecessary risks to the health or safety of relevant children are identified and so far as possible eliminated. That the registered person must have regard to the national minimum standards which relate to the type of care provided by the registered person.
Agency: Care Inspectorate Wales
Source of Data: Contained in a response to a Freedom of Information request received on 14 October 2024