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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Lotus Home Care Limited
Penalty: £100
Year: 2019
Date: 11 September, 2019
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Mrs X complained about the home care service provided by the Care Provider. The Care Provider was at fault for not providing written information about its service levels and issuing inaccurate invoices. This caused Mrs X uncertainty because she did not know what service levels to expect and whether she was paying the correct amount for her care. The Care Provider should make Mrs X a financial payment and carry out an audit of the care she received and the amount she paid for it over the previous 12 months. It should also review its processes to ensure clear service level information is available to its service users and it issues invoices which accurately record the amount of care received.
Agency: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Source of Data:
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