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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: Meddyg Care (Bryn Awelon) Ltd
Company Nation/Region: Wales
Penalty: £0
Year: 2024
Date: 10 April, 2024
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Priority Action Notices served stipulating that the service provider must ensure that at all times a sufficient number of suitably qualified, trained, skilled, competent and experienced staff are deployed to work at the service, having regard to - (a) the statement of purpose for the service; (b) the care and support needs of the individuals; (c) supporting individuals to achieve their personal outcomes; (d) the requirements of the regulations in parts 3 to 15. That the service provider must ensure that the service is provided with sufficient care, competence and skill, having regard to the statement of purpose. That a service provider to whom this regulation applies must ensure that the person who is designated as the responsible individual - (a) is supported to carry out their duties effectively, and (b) undertakes appropriate training.
Agency: Care Inspectorate Wales
Source of Data: Contained in a response to a Freedom of Information request received on 14 October 2024