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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: PH Opco Ltd
Company Nation/Region: Wales
Penalty: £0
Year: 2023
Date: 21 April, 2023
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Section 17(3)(a) of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 ('the Act'). Care Inspectorate Wales are not satisfied that the action specified in the Improvement Notice has been taken within the time limit/s specified. Section 15(1) of the Act permits the CIW to cancel the registration of a service provider if certain grounds are met. The following ground/s are relied upon: (b) the Welsh Ministers are no longer satisfied that the service provider is a fit and proper person to be a service provider (see section 9) 1. Regulation 6 The service provider must ensure that the service is provided with sufficient care, competence and skill, having regard to the statement of purpose 2. Regulation 8(1) The service provider must ensure that there are effective arrangements in place for monitoring, reviewing and improving the quality of care and support provided by the service 3. Regulation 17 The service provider must - (a) keep a record of - (i) the personal plan and any revised plan, and (ii) the outcome of any review, and (b) give a copy of the personal plan and any revised plan to - (i) the individual (ii) any representative, unless this is not appropriate or would be inconsistent with the individual's well-being, and (iii) where a child is provided with accommodation as part of a care home service, the placing authority. 4. Regulation 16(4) When carrying out a review under this regulation, the service provider must involve the individual, the placing authority (if applicable) and any representative. But the service provider is not required to involve a representative if - (a) the individual is an adult or a child aged 16 or over and the individual does not wish the representative to be involved, or (b) involving the representative would not be consistent with the individual's well-being. 5. Regulation 66 The responsible individual must supervise the management of the service, which includes taking the steps described in regulations 64, 72 and 73. 6. Regulation 7(1) The service provider must provide the service in accordance with the statement of purpose 7. Regulation 36(2) The service provider must ensure that any person working at the service (including a person allowed to work as a volunteer) - (a) receives an induction appropriate to their role; (b) is made aware of his or her own responsibilities and those of other staff. (c) receives appropriate supervision and appraisal; (d) receives core training appropriate to the work to be performed by them; (e) receives specialist training as appropriate; (f) receives support and assistance to obtain such further training as is appropriate to the work they perform. 8. Regulation 21(1) The service provider must ensure that care and support is provided in a way which protects, promotes and maintains the safety and well-being of individuals
Agency: Care Inspectorate Wales
Source of Data: Contained in a response to a Freedom of Information request received on 5 December 2023