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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: Plas Garnedd Llanberis Limited
Company Nation/Region: Wales
Penalty: £0
Year: 2024
Date: 18 January, 2024
Offence Group: healthcare-related offences
Offence Type: care quality violation
Violation Description: Priority Action Notices served stipulating that premises must be - (a) accessible, adequately lit, heated and ventilated; (b) secure from unauthorised access; (c) suitably furnished and equipped; (d) of sound construction and kept in good structural repair externally and internally; (e) fitted and adapted as necessary, in order to meet the needs of individuals; (f) organised so that equipment used for the provision of the service is appropriately located; (g) free from hazards to the health and safety of individuals and any other persons who may be at risk, so far as is reasonably practicable; (h) properly maintained; (i) kept clean to a standard which is appropriate for the purpose for which they are being used. That for the purposes of paragraph (1), a person is not fit to work at the service unless - (a) the person is of suitable integrity and good character; (b) the person has the qualifications, skills, competence and experience necessary for the work he or she is to perform; (c) the person is able by reason of their health, after reasonable adjustments are made, of properly performing the tasks which are intrinsic to the work for which he or she is employed or engaged; (d) the person has provided full and satisfactory information or documentation, as the case may be, in respect of each of the matters specified in part 1 of schedule 1 and this information or documentation is available at the service for inspection by the service regulator; (e) where the person is employed by the service provider to manage the service, the person is registered as a social care manager with social care wales; (f) where the person is employed by the service provider to work in a capacity other than as a manager and in the course of their employment the person provides care and support to any person in connection with - (i) a care home service within the meaning of part 1 of the act which is provided wholly or mainly to children; or (ii) a secure accommodation service within the meaning of part 1 of the act, the person is registered as a social care worker with social care wales no later than the relevant date (see paragraph (8) for the meaning of "the relevant date"). That the service provider must ensure that any person working at the service (including a person allowed to work as a volunteer) - (a) receives an induction appropriate to their role; (b) is made aware of his or her own responsibilities and those of other staff. (c) receives appropriate supervision and appraisal; (d) receives core training appropriate to the work to be performed by them; (e) receives specialist training as appropriate; (f) receives support and assistance to obtain such further training as is appropriate to the work they perform.
Agency: Care Inspectorate Wales
Source of Data: Contained in a response to a Freedom of Information request received on 14 October 2024