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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: Rock School Ltd
Penalty: £0
Year: 2017
Date: 1 August, 2017
Offence Group: safety-related offences
Offence Type: childcare and educational services violation
Violation Description: On 1 August 2017, Rock School Ltd (RSL), gave Ofqual an undertaking that sets out the steps it will take to secure compliance with our 'General Conditions of Recognition', specifically: A5: availability of adequate resources and arrangements. A8: malpractice and maladministration, C2: arrangements with centres, G4: maintaining confidentiality of assessment materials, including the conduct of specified training events, H2: moderation where an assessment is marked by a centre, H5: results for a qualification must be based on sufficient evidence, H6: issuing results. Rock School Ltd has undertaken to implement changes to its moderation process, management of confidential material, confidentiality arrangements, quality assurance, risk management, staffing, staff training and administration with a view to securing compliance on an ongoing basis with the conditions.
Agency: Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)
Source of Data(click here)