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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: SSE Energy Services
Current Parent Company:
OVO Energy
Parent at the Time of the Penalty Announcement: SSE plc
Recap of Ownership Changes: OVO acquired Southern Electric Gas and SSE Energy Services from SSE in 2020.
Penalty: £4,775,705
Year: 2019
Date: 27 February, 2019
Offence Group: consumer-protection-related offences
Offence Type: consumer protection violation
Violation Description: Ofgem concluded its engagement with SSE on its compliance with Standard Licence Condition 33, Schedule A, Part 3, Paragraph 3. SSE has agreed to take a number of actions to address its non-compliance with this licence condition in respect of the annual levelisation process on the Feed-in Tariff scheme. These actions include repaying £4.07 million to the levelisation fund that SSE was not entitled to, paying an additional £455,705 in to the FIT levelisation fund and making a voluntary contribution of £250,000 to the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Fund.
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
HQ Country of Parent: United Kingdom
Ownership Structure of Parent: privately held
Major Industry of Parent: utilities and power generation
Specific Industry of Parent: energy supply
Source of Data:
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